Bollywood and Television actor Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide at his Bandra home in Mumbai. The actor was living alone during the lockdown in Mumbai. Police have reached his apartment but the reason behind his suicide isn’t made public yet.
Condolences are coming in from all quarters for the highly-talented actor who has acted in movies like M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story, PK, and Kedarnath.
Honestly this news has left me shocked and speechless…I remember watching #SushantSinghRajput in Chhichhore and telling my friend Sajid, its producer how much I’d enjoyed the film and wish I’d been a part of it. Such a talented actor…may God give strength to his family 🙏🏻
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) June 14, 2020
Life is fragile and we don’t know what one is going through. Be kind. #SushantSinghRajput Om Shanti
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) June 14, 2020
This is a breaking story and will be updated soon.