Delhi University released the fourth cut-off list on 5th July 2018 and when the students were expecting significant dip in the cut-offs. But they are now considering alternatives as seats are now almost over in the unreserved category, only some courses are now available for admissions are still open in prominent colleges.
According to the panel, there were more cancellations than admissions on the first day of the fourth cut-off list. This is mainly because students tend to change courses when there is a dip in the cut-offs also results of various entrance examinations outside of du were released. In total, approximately 45,390 students took admission and 3,932 cancelled their admission by the end of the second day. The University may conduct a “special drive” in order to fill up vacant seats in the reserved category. The fifth cut-off list will be released on July 12, 2018 with admissions open for three days and observing trend of increasing cancellations. But colleges are likely to release more lists after this according to DU officials.
The results for entrance-based undergraduate programs will be released on July 12, 2018 and the  students who failed to secure desired scores for merit courses will stand achance to get admission in DU.