Delhi University Installed Network Jammers Near Exam Centres At The Time Of LLB Entrance Exam

Smart phones might not help after all

Delhi University Installed Network Jammers Near Exam Centres At The Time Of LLB Entrance Exam

In the age of technology , where everybody can connect over smart phones with in fraction of second’s , Internet may not always prove to be beneficial for all the people. Recently people have started using Internet in order to mess up with the code of conduct of an examination by using smart phones.

Delhi University in reaction to this issue had installed Jammers this year for conducting the LLB Entrance Exam 2018

This step was taken because a lot of cases have been reportedly filed against mass cheating, they also provided a Response sheet after the exam was over so that no Technical issue could hinder the process of admission. In addition special observers were present in the 89 centres across India where the test were held over 70 session’s.

The University Officials also added that they did not disclose this information in advance because it would have then hampered their effort of conducting a just and fair examination.

But all the measure’s were tried and tested before the exam actually began, the Jammers were sourced from Government of India Approved Company.

During an investigation that was conducted last year, it was disclosed that students had employed a Whatsapp feature in order to connect with people outside, they had to pay a lum some amount of Rupees 50,000-1L and were given the assurance that they would get complete help from outside during the exam,thus the installation of jammer’s this year proved to be beneficial for the University.

Vinay Gupta Dean of Examination DU, also added,alongside installing jammers, the University also deployed Permanent Lecturers as observers at the Test Centres ‘The observers were from the Faculty of University across India where the exam’s were conducted’

In order to keep no stone unturned the University also decided to provide the students with Response Sheet’s after the exam was over online, so that no complain regarding any Technical Glitch could be received.

With all the Precautions that have been taken the number of students clearing the examination was quite low, but the students who did make it through did it with all fair and just means

One of the Official also added that School of Open Learning, DU had changed their venue of examination from Private and Government School’s to University College’s, so that they could have their own staff overseeing the proceedings.


  1. Not fair
    I attempted only 67 question but according to response sheet 87 in DU LLB entrance exam 2018.
    Expected marks were 252 according to answer key but obtained only 173.
    No matching in serial numbers of questions shown in computer screen in exam time and response sheet.


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