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Delhi University Writes To Colleges With Guidelines To Conduct Internals & Practicals

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In a recent letter issued by the Dean of Examinations of the University of Delhi, details regarding the conduct of Internal Assessments, Practical, Viva-Voce, Projects, Internship, Fieldwork, etc for the year 2019-20have been mentioned.

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The letter was divided into mainly 5 sub-headings:

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  • Internal Assessments: Instead of taking 3 separate components of Class Tests, Tutorial Tests, and Attendance into account, grading will be done based on only one factor that is internal assignments. Students would receive their assignments from their teachers through e-mail in a prescribed format.  The same would have to be submitted back to the teachers via e-mail at a defined time. In the case of Post-Graduation, teachers have been asked to submit the results to the principal of the college and the Head of the Department of PG.  Full attendance to all students for IA will be granted.
  • Practical Courses’ Examination: Teachers will be giving assignments based on experiments already performed in previous classes through the mail. Again, the students would be asked to mail their assignments in a given time.
  • Practical and Viva-voce, Oral (Moot courts) Examination: All practical and viva-voce necessary for the completion of the particular technical/professional degree would be conducted through online meeting apps like skype.
  •  Internship for students of all Semesters/ Terms: Students would be allowed to take up online internships and digital activities. The date for the beginning of the internship could be delayed and the period of internship could be reduced if combined with assignments.
  • Evaluation of Dissertations: For both UG and PG programs, the evaluation will be conducted based on work completed by students before March 2020 (commencement of lockdown). The same would be done by teachers through written assignments via e-mails.
  • Instead of Laboratory-based assignments, evaluation of UG/PG students pursuing Dissertation/projects would be done based on reviews/secondary data. Software projects will also be accepted by the college.

These activities need to be completed and requisite data needs to be submitted to the Examination Branch by 03.06.2020

For further clarifications, one can send their query on or call 011-27662832

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