Delhi University’s 60th Flower Show To Take Place Tomorrow,All Classes After 12 PM Suspended

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With the setting in of the spring season, Delhi University is all set to hold its 60th ‘Flower Show’¬†on February 23. The show will be organized in the lawns of Mughal Garden (in front of the University’s Vice Chancellor,Prof. Yogesh K. Tyagi’s Office) in North Campus.


It will be open to all students, teachers, and employees of various colleges, schools and other educational institutions of Delhi-NCR region to both visit and participate in the competitions from 12:00 to 5:00 pm.All the classes scheduled after 12 pm will be suspended on account of the event. It is also to be noted the office work will also be suspended after the scheduled time for lunch break,i.e.,1:00 p.m.


The theme for this year’s show is ‘Floral Diversity of India‘.A variety of exotic flowers and plants will be put on display at the exhibition.The flower show takes place every year to promote an interest in general public for nature and environment.The show is open for both competitive and non competitive entries which would be based on the theme of the show.The judging for the same is supposed to start at 10:00 a.m. sharp.

The entries for the flower show will be accepted under six different categories: two categories for colleges,senior secondary schools,other educational institutions and the horticulture department of NCR;private gardens maintained solely by members of Institutions;women asociated with educational institutions;school students under 17 years of age;malis associated with educational institutions.

The diamond jubilee edition of the show will be inaugurated by Prof. Yogesh K. Tyagi.A total number of 74 running cups and trophies are awarded at the prize distribution ceremony of the show. This ceremony will take place on the same day at 3:00 pm.

So,if you are a flower enthusiast,do visit the show to experience the beautiful colors of spring.Also,if you like to click pictures to make your Instagram look aesthetic,this is the place to be.


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