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DU Admissions 2018 : How To Apply Under Sikh Minority Quota In Delhi University

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DU Admissions 2018 : The registrations for admissions at Under Graduate level will close on 7th June 2018.There is a separate quota for admission of Sikh students in Delhi University’s four Sikh minority colleges. These four colleges are run by the Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee (DSGMC) and are were given the status of a minority college few years back by the Delhi High Court. The admission is centralized but there is additional criteria which should be kept in mind while applying for admission under these colleges under the Sikh quota.

Colleges providing admission under Sikh Minority quota in Delhi University are-

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1 .Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce

2. Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College

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3. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College

4. Mata Sundri College For Women

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The above mentioned 4 colleges have reservation for the Sikh minority students.These colleges have 50% seats reserved for students belonging to the Sikh community.

Students from families of the religion who wants to apply under Sikh Minority quota,needs to fill the Delhi University’s common registration form and select the Sikh Minority Category.

Points to be taken care of :

-Save/Print the receipt after payment.You’ve to submit this printed receipt along with other required documents at the time of admission.

-If the printout shows you haven’t¬†selected ‘Sikh Minority Category’ then your application under Sikh minority¬†Category¬†won’t be valid.

-Applicants can purchase information brochure of college at the time of admission.

-Application doest guarantee admission in any of the courses in above mentioned 4 colleges,you’ve to contact the college¬†administration and check for your¬†admission, college rules and regulations like cutoff¬†announced, dates of validity of¬†cutoff, fees¬†submission, documents and your eligibility.

-Students seeking admission under Sikh Minority Category must furnish “Minority Certificate” issued by Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee at the time of admission. This certificate is issued by DSGMC’s office and candidates should approach the office with the following documents for the certificate : Two passport size photos of applicants,One photo of father/ mother,Copy of one photo-identity card (Aadhar Card/ Election ID Card/ Driver License etc) and Copy of Xth or XIIth Class certificate.

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