Saturday, February 15, 2025
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DU Exams 2020 : DUTA Opposes Online Exams Proposal

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DU Exams 2020: Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA) is opposing online semester examination in Delhi University. The University of Delhi is considering the online mode of examination to conduct DU exams 2020 amid the coronavirus outbreak. DUTA has given a number of suggestions to the University Grants Commission before they come up with an academic schedule for Universities to ensure academia doesn’t get affected due to the spread of coronavirus. Currently, full-time academic activity at every institution has stopped abruptly with students and teachers left confused about the future course of action.

DUTA has strongly pointed out that online classes can’t be treated as a substitute for regular classes and students shouldn’t be evaluated on the basis of online classes. The teaching body suggested that the University should shift to an annual mode of examination this year by making adjustments in the course curriculum.

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DUTA also suggested that after the reopening of University, examinations including Internal assessment should take place after the completion of leftover teaching days with a priority given to final year students.

Image Source – The Week

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