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DU Exams 2020 : Viral Letter Shows Open Book Exam Preparation In Delhi University

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DU Exams 2020 : The Dean of Examination, DU has addressed the Head Of all Departments to consider setting question papers for Open-Book Examination. The letter, dated 13.05.2020 has expressed that Delhi University is considering taking Open-Book: take-Home Examination of all Regular, SOL, and NCWEB students of the final year students. Detailed guidelines to be followed by the teachers for setting up of question papers have also been provided.

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The letter states that examination would be conducted for all students of UG and PG programs only. For repeaters who are in their final/third year, exams of 1st/2nd year/ 2nd/4th sem would also be conducted simultaneously. Students would be asked to download the question papers from their homes through a portal provided by the University. Under the Open-Book Examination procedure, the students will be allowed to refer to their syllabus’ books, notes, and other studying materials. The Exam would be for two hours and an additional hour will be provided so that the students could download the Question paper, scan their answer sheets, and upload them. The answer sheets would need to be uploaded on the portal within 3 hours of the commencement of the exam.

The letter also states that paper would be set to test the analytical and conceptual skills of the student with minimal scope for verbatim cheating allowed from the studying material available to the students. Three sets of question papers for each UG and PG course would be set. It has been suggested that only 6 questions be asked in the paper out of which the student would have a choice of answering any 4.All questions would be of equal marks and the question shouldn’t be divided into parts. The maximum marks would be 100 for SOL/NCWEB and 75 for Regular. All moderated question papers need to be uploaded on the Examination Portal latest by 3rd June 2020.

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