Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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New Delhi

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DU SOL BA, BCOM Annual Mode Exams Postponed Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

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Delhi University’s School of Open Learning (SOL) has postponed the examinations of BCom and BA annual mode amid the coronavirus outbreak. The BCom annual mode exams were scheduled to be held from April 4 while the BA annual mode exams were scheduled from April 5 earlier.

The revised date sheet for both the examinations will be notified to the students soon on SOL website.

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“In accordance with the office order No. F.No. Estab.II(i)/330/COVID-19/M/2020 dated 19.03.2020, the Examination of BCom. (Annual Mode) scheduled to be held from 4th April 2020 and B.A. (Prog.) (Annual Mode) scheduled to be held from 5th April 2020 stands withdrawn. The date-sheet for both the above Examination will be notified later. All concerned are requested to please stay connected through website for latest updates.” the notice on DU SOL website read.

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