The Delhi High Court instructed the Delhi University on Monday to issue digital degree certificates to graduated students within seven working days. The high court showed urgency as many students require the document in order to seek employment or to take admission in foreign universities.
When the court had earlier ordered the varsity to issue a digital certificate, the university had instead wasted time demanding for physical copies of proofs requesting the issuance of the particular document from the students. Justice Singh had further asked the university to provide the court details about the timeline for when digital degrees would be issued in cases of urgent, non-urgent requests. The high court has urged the students to send another email to the university and state the reason for demanding urgency along with proof.
“For such students, digital degree certificates be issued within seven working days Requirement for a physical copy of the documents be removed with immediate effect”. – Justice Singh
An online platform was created after the court had asked the university to come through with an online mechanism for issuance of degrees so that delay in printing wouldn’t cause a problem for the students requiring the degree certificate urgently. The university was directed to issue the certificates within a week of registration.
There has been a total of 30,000 requests made by the students on the university’s portal for procurement of digital degree certificates till now.
Joint Director of Delhi University Computer Centre (DUCC) Dr Sanjeev Singh and Dean of examinations professor Vinay Gupta had informed the court on 7 August that data of all students up till November 2019 had been collected by the varsity, however, on Monday the court noted that the only students’ data available with the university was of up till 2017
Next high court hearing regarding the matter was scheduled for September 11, before which the varsity had to place an affidavit on record.