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How To Nail An Interview

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Congrats! Dear Prospective Candidate, Your resume has been shortlisted and all that you have to do now is, nail that interview! But have you ever wondered that despite your achievements and work experience, the panel can reject you solely based on how you present yourself? What could be more heart breaking than not getting what you deserve only because you could not interact that well! No worries now that you have clicked on this article. Here are a few helpful tips on how to prepare for your interview :

1. “Tell Me About Yourself”

This is the most important question of your interview. Answer this question within 60 seconds and tell them the stuff you want to be further questioned on. Make sure what you tell is relevant to the job. You need not say everything. Use this question to sell yourself as much as possible. Tell them interesting experiences which might interest the interviewer to hire you.

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QUICK TIPDon’t mention the stuff you’ve already written in your CV. Tell them something they don’t know!

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2. Wear Your Personality.

YES, first impression is the last impression. The way you look and the way you present yourself can do wonders, believe it. Dress formally and subtly. Wear pastel shades or light shades of shirts, look neat and tidy. Don’t wear loud colours. Ladies, ditch the red and pink lipsticks. Look simple & natural. It is vital for you to look your best on your interview day. Remember, you will not only do your work, but also represent the organisation. Recruiters are an expert in reading your body language.

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QUICK TIPBe confident and wear a smile 🙂


3. Mind Your Body Language.

Some say that the first 10 seconds from the door to your seat is enough for the employers to decide whether you are in or out. So Beware! Don’t slouch while sitting or walking. Be confident with your chest out and head up. When you are seated, try to mirror the posture of your recruiter, in a very subtle way. In the words of experts, this makes the two parties comfortable with each other and builds a rapport. Don’t keep your arms or legs crossed. It gives an impression that you are a reserved person and you don’t want them to perceive you that way. Sit straight and smile. Looking at everyone in the panel throws a good impression.

QUICK TIPCarry 3-4 extra copies of your CV and give it to each and everyone in the panel.

4. Be Inquisitive about your job profile!

Ask them questions relevant to the job. It will give them an impression that you are really interested in being a part of the organisation. Tell them your expectations from the company and the job and conclude the same by convincing them why you are the best suited candidate.

QUICK TIP Do your home work! Be thorough with your facts about the company and your profile. Include them while answering. Show them that you are very keen on getting this job.

5. Entertain them.

A little humour never hurts anyone. Remember, you need to have an edge over other candidates. Employers also become tired after long hours of the recruitment procedure. If you’re not naturally humourous, then don’t joke around. Share your stories and experiences, but don’t make it too informal. Think of them as your friends and surprise them with something they never expected.

QUICK TIPNobody likes dull personalities. Do not bore them. Also, do not repeat anything that you’ve already said before.

Just don’t over do!

6. Be Well Mannered and Humble.

Keep your ego outside the door when you enter. Take permission before entering, before sitting and be polite all the time. Don’t get hyper and do not raise your volume, even if they try to offend you. It is all a part of the personality test. They are not looking for individuals who can’t maintain their calm. It is their own way of seeing how well you handle pressure.

QUICK TIPEnd your interview by thanking everyone for considering your candidature. Have a firm hand-shake with the main employer. Works every time.

The Magic Words

This article was written by Harshita Chawla from Delhi College of Arts & Commerce.

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