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In the times of economic growth and liberalization, perhaps every young mind is fraught with the concern for a career after education. The question looms large for those who are not a part of any professional and have opted for a subject like Philosophy in liberal arts. The primary reason behind is the non-availability of the subject at high school level in most of the states of our country. In order to put an end to the career related dilemmas and delusions of the students, the Department of Philosophy of Lakshmibai College, Delhi University, took initiative to organize an interactive session between its professionally settled alumnae and the present batches.

The alumnae belonged to diverse fields ranging from Law to Special Education. They asserted that Philosophy gave them a clear and methodical way of thinking. They stressed on the fact that Philosophy was a subject of profound practical importance. The subject, they said, furnished them with the ability to take critical and rational decisions intuitively. Ms. Chandrika (pursuing M.A. in philosophy) and Ms. Preeti (pursuing Ph.D) professed that further involvement in the subject was where the “real” learning lay. While Ms. Tanvi (pursuing MBA), Ms. Varsha (graduate trainee at Adecco) and Ms. Lekhni (Merchandiser at GAP) pointed out how philosophy refined their thought process and hence allowing them to think critically, Ms. Shivani (pursuing LLB) stressed that we must not take philosophy as a coincidence or burden. Ms. Deepika (also pursuing LLB) stole the show with her couplet on how philosophy changed her. An extract of the couplet is as follows:
“Zindagi pehle bhi thhi, Zindagi aaj bhi hai. Pehle khokli thhi, aaj Muqaam hai.”
Ms. Ankita (Associate in market and enablement services, E&Y) laid emphasis on how philosophy did not teach her marketing, but how to be better at marketing. Ms. Ritika (Associate manager, client servicing, Beach Advertising) drew attention to the fact that we must fight for our career and that it was not easy. Well, this was followed by Ms Aparna (pursuing D.ed. in Special Education) who talked about how one could use what they had learnt through the subject to do something useful for the society.

They voiced their opinion unanimously when it came to standards of the teaching maintained by the teachers of the department.

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