Saturday, March 15, 2025
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New Delhi

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Shivaji College Presents Annual Cultural Fest-Vibrations 2018 On 15th & 16th Feb

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Shivaji College is all set to launch the missiles of colours, music, dance, literature, fun and games with its annual cultural fest “VIBRATIONS 2018”

Sponsored by Cocacola,join them to taste the feeling on 15th and 16th February 2018. With plethora of events from ClickClock to Rang-de-naqab, drama to DJ night, we have something super exciting for each one of you !

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If life makes no sense to you except in the light of colours, Vibgyor has it all for you: Newspaper dressing, creativity on arms, leaf painting, spray painting and mask painting competition. So gear up for 2 days of never seen before vibrancy!

Giving stage to every talented and not so talented bathroom singer, here’s¬†Reverb¬†with Swaranjali: The solo singing competition.

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If you can walk the DoDhaari Talwar, then Dictum calls you for Turncoat Debate competition. P.S. They have prizes worth 28K, so do come !

Do you make heads turn with your looks ? Then it’s time to walk the ramp !¬†Bizarre¬†proudly brings to you Belleztillo: A thematic fashion competition !

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What’s a fest without dance ?¬†Footloose¬†invites you for a western group dance competition !So get warmed up.

If not all this, then you must be the photographer of your group! And Shutterbugs calls you for a script writing, on the spot photography and online photography competition !

Well that’s not all,¬†Vayam¬†invites all the Drama kings and queens for Street Play Competition !

And that’s still not all !Mouth watering food, a floor breaking DJ evening and of course a star time with super melodious¬†ShahidMallyaawait you at Shivaji !! See you soon !

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