Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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New Delhi

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SRCC Placements 2017 : 30 LPA Highest Package,6.5 LPA Average Package

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The Placement Season for Shri Ram College of Commerce this year began in the month of August, open to a variety of job profiles like Investment Banking, Consultancy, Finance, Audit, Marketing, Sales, etc. The Placement Cell has left no stone unturned to bring the biggest names in the industry on campus. Be it the consulting giant McKinsey &Company or the highest paymasters Parthenon-EY and Barclays Capital, each and every company that has visited the college so far has been amazed by the talent the students have to offer.

This year turned out to be a success with a placement of 340 students, highest package being 30 Lakhs per annum. Over 50 companies have visited the campus such as Deutsche Bank, Citi Bank, JP Morgan, Barclays Capital, McKinsey & Company, A.T. Kearney, etc. First time recruiters included JP Morgan, Facebook, etc. The college saw the advent of many internship companies such as DSP BlackRock too.

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Companies from the finance sector worked out to be 20% of the companies on campus whereas consulting and banking companies had a share of 29%and 10% respectively. The average package increased from 6 Lakhs per annum to 6.5 Lakhs per annum for the year 2016-17.


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