Stop doing these 5 things if you really love yourself !

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First the board exam pressures and then the chilled out life at college, really messes us up as a person.

So here is a list of five habits that you must break from today to get a better and healthy life, well, if you genuinely want one.

1.START SLEEPING ON TIME: Giving your bad habits a fancy name such as ‘night bird’ won’t do you any good in the long run. It’s okay to work overtime once in a while, but irregular sleep cycles lead to sleep disorders, imbalance of hormones etc in the long run. Trust me, it’s all about training your mind. The more you jump in bed at a fixed time, the more energized you’ll feel each morning and the better sleep you get at night, the less you feel the need to take a nap in between.(Best amount of sleep as suggested by recent studies is 7 hours at a stretch, say 00:00-07:00)

Picture credits: Google
Picture credits: Google

2. STOP GRABBING THESE FOODS: I know, college canteens offer really luring veg roll, pasta, chole bhatoore¬†etc. (well, at least my canteen does) yet try bringing food from home as much as you can and stop having fried/cheesy/too sweet meals as you take to an outing to bunk college with your friends. Gone are those days when, “tumhari umar mein toh¬†sab kha sakte hai” used to work well. I’m not telling you to go on a strict diet, but start avoiding junk(once in a week is okay is you stick to good home cooked food the other 6days) from today because it will increase your risk of getting diabetes, BP and so on at an early age. (Go and check for yourself on the internet, if you dont believe me)

Picture credits: Google
Picture credits: Google

3. START EXERCISING DAILY FOR 30 MINS: Being a couch potato is eating your body’s immunity, disrupting your mental strength, increasing the¬†risk of obesity and heart diseases in the long run. (Again, not exaggerating) So next time, instead of watching any random video on Youtube, try finding one on a 20 min cardio workout¬†and start following! Soon, you’ll find yourself taking the stairs and NOT the escalator in the morning while going to college at the metro station. (THIN is not equal to HEALTHY, mind you)

Picture credits: Google
Picture credits: Google

4. DEVELOP A DAILY ROUTINE AND FOLLOW IT RELIGIOUSLY: No matter how stupid this seems, studies suggest that people having a daily routine perform much better than those who don’t. Their concentration, determination and focus increases. So, go ahead and fix a time for your meals, exercise, study time, sleep time, break time etc. MOST DIFFICULT PART IS TO FOLLOW IT, that’s where 90% people fail.

Picture credits: Google
Picture credits: Google

5. STOP USING¬†YOUR MOBILE PHONE TO TAKE A BREAK OFF, EVERY TIME: Get out and take some fresh air. Not only will this make you walk a bit, but also grant you with some ‘actual distraction’ and relax those eyes. Help your mom with the food, clean the glasses or maybe have a sip of limewater in the balcony, but for God’s sake stop checking out your phone time and again if you really love yourself. It is straining your eyes, making you slouch more and decreasing your concentration levels.

Picture credits: Google
Picture credits: Google


So here it was, my list of 5 habits you need to change to get a better life today and tomorrow for sure.

It will definitely¬†seem tough and you may fail first few times, but that’s where you need to keep pushing yourself¬†and make these changes your new habits so that you don’t have to gather enough motivation to do them every other time.

I promise, you’ll feel the change. Don’t wait for your body to flash the symptoms and reach a state where all you are doing is popping pills :/

Go ahead and good luck for it !


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