Monday, March 10, 2025
26 C
New Delhi

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Students At CVS,Kirori Mal,Rajdhani Launches Campaign Against Political Parties Littering Campus

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Students across various colleges have started protesting against the littering of campus by political parties.

More than 200 students at College of Vocational Studies signed the letter to show their support to the protest.

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The students are against the defacing of walls and other college property by prospective candidates.Students who should ensure a clean campus are the ones who are littering it and wasting tons of paper.


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Students at College of Vocational Studies have threatened not to vote for any party who litters the college.They are even ready to press the NOTA button.

“In thirst of power they litter their own kingdom-This is what happening in every du college and CVS is not spared. So we students of CVS have decided to not vote for the party which will litter our beloved campus or fails to clear their mess.” said one of the students who launched the campaign in College of Vocational Studies.

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Several notices have been doing the rounds online where students of Kirori Mal College and Rajdhani College are also not going to vote for candidates littering the campus.

A notice at Ram Lal College read “We the voters of Ram Lal Anand College pledge to not vote for any candidate or a party whose supporters are found defacing or damaging the property of our college.”

Students across colleges have started raising voice against this style of politics which is a welcoming change.Hope the parties will take adequate action to listen to the needs of students whom they wish to represent.

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