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Students detained for short attendance at Acharya Narendra Dev College

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Delhi University is all set for the semester examinations starting from 9th May 2016 but between all this a total of 83 first year students have been detained from giving exams this semester because of low attendance at Acharya Narendra Dev College of Delhi University.

Students came to know about this on 5th May 2016 when the list of detained students was put online on college’s official website and on the notice board of college.

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This came as a surprise to the detained students as they thought they’d be allowed to give the exams after signing a bond (they claim that college used to follow this practice till last semester).

Students (who doesn’t want to be named) said, “They were busy whole year in different college events like-Accenture,Rajatotsav,NAAC Inspection and this is the reason why they weren’t able to attend lectures.Moreover,college notified them about their attendance only till February and no further update or warning was given to them.”

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A student (who doesn’t want to be named) told us “Parents of some of the detained students came to discuss this matter with the administration but they weren’t entertained.

Meanwhile,detained students and parents are worried as exams are starting from 9th May 2016 and not being allowed to give exams will ruin their whole academic year.

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The Delhi University rules clearly mention that a student has to maintain at least 2/3rd or 66.67% attendance to be allowed to appear for exams.

Disclaimer-This article is written on the basis of account given by ANDC students.DU Express doesn’t endorse or back any of the claim or statement made by students.

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