10% Discount On Use Of Common Mobility Card In Buses

10% Discount On Use Of Common Mobility Card In Buses
Image Source-Hindustan Times

The Transport Department is going to put up a proposal of giving 10% discount to Consumers who use their Smart Mobility Cards in Buses for travel.

This scheme has been brought forward in order to encourage people to use the public services more often, and also to use their Metro cards in Bus travel as well;since the Smart Card will get them a Discount of 10% on their commute.

Once the scheme is accepted by the Cabinet, it will prove to be extremely useful to a large section of people who travel from buses. The Discount is applicable on buses run by DTC, DMRC and DIMTS. The discount will be applicable on all buses within the city limits.

The Transport Minister, Mr Kailash Gahlot also said that once the scheme is approved the discount will come into action within a month’s time.

Currently, bus fares in Delhi for non-AC buses are Rs 5, Rs 10 and Rs 15. There is a flat fare of Rs 5 for travel in non-AC DTC and cluster buses for travel up to five kms. Fare slab for travel in AC buses is between Rs 10 and Rs 25. Nearly 34% of city commuters depend on non-AC bus services while only about 10%-15% of commuters use AC buses.

Beside’s this, the Department also asked DTC to look into the issues being faced with ETM’s Electronic Ticketing Machine’s, used in buses, which initially had issues with swiping of the card’s.


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