DUSU President Ankiv Baisoya’s Degree Among 200 Other Students To Be Verified By Delhi University

Ankiv Baisoya's Degree Among 200 Other Students To Be Verified By Delhi University
Image Source-Ankiv Baisoya's Facebook Page

The Newly elected Delhi University Students Union President Ankiv Baisoya’s fake degree matter is now in line with other 200 cases of fake mark-sheets used to take admission in the Delhi University.

KTS SARAO,Head of Department of Buddhist Studies told a newspaper that they have received dozens of complaints against students and Ankiv’s case would be among the 200 students whose degree will be verified.

The documents will be first verified at Delhi University after which the issuing University will be approached for further clarification and scrutinisation of documents.There is no fixed time frame for the process to get completed.

In case any document is found to be fake, the matter will be reported to police as it is a criminal offence, after police verification an FIR is logged against the student.

If the cancellation of Ankiv’s candidature doesn’t happen within two months,the Vice President will be promoted to the position of President.According to rules,re-election can only be conducted within 2 months,otherwise the Vice President is promoted to the post of President and so on.


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