Monday, February 10, 2025
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New Delhi

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Delhi Witnessed The Biggest Kindness Flashmob – Dance For Kindness 2019

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Yesterday, Delhi hosted the biggest kindness flashmob called Dance For Kindness, an initiative of Life Vest Inside organized by Those In Need and Kind Beings with World Animal Protection as the knowledge partner at Pacific Mall Tagore Garden.

The event had the theme #Isthisalife? which showed concern towards animals. Keeping in mind the cruelty that animals have to suffer, the event took a step for people to raise their voices and spread the message of Kindness towards animals. Many colleges of Delhi University were present including Janki Devi Memorial College, with over 100 participants.

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“World Animal Protection is proud to be associated with the Dance for Kindness initiative by Those in Need.This year’s theme is ‘Be Kind to Animals’ It is important that we understand that animals cannot tell their stories of suffering.
Today’s event was the first of its kind for animals in India where hundreds of people came together to support our cause.

We urge people to be kind and more thoughtful to make this world a better place for animals. Together, we can move the world to protect animals.”-Gajender K Sharma, Country Director- India World Animal

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DFK 2019 – an exhilarating experience for a first timer like me. Why? Simply because it showcased how one emotion like ‘kindness’ residing within each human being’s heart can bring together people from different backgrounds, age groups & with varied belief systems through the medium of dance. Absolutely beautiful – by Bhanvi Volunteer

Not only dance by 800+ enthusiasts were seen at the event, but it also marked several great performances by young souls and informative sessions/videos.

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The event was promoted by famous personalities like Anup Soni, Riddihma Kappor Sahni and Manoj Tiwari.

On one hand where the eye opening dance performance by a volunteer’s group left us shocked, the soulful singing and band performance by Tassavvur band and Kafia group took it to another level.

“Gathering of Awesome people for a purpose has a big potential to unite everyone. Today at Pacific Mall I attended the Dance for kindness program organized by Those in Need. It was an amazing sight to see hundreds of cheerful people as volunteers dancing together to celebrate for the same cause of spreading kindness” said Rishi Bansiwal.

Officially done and closed for the year, Dance for kindness 2019 with the mission of creating awareness for animal kindness… An event for which we have spent days and nights working and trying our best to make it a big!

Our one act of kindness can begin a series of transformations and has the power to change the world. And it will start from You.

Dance For Kindness was purely an eye opening, informative and fun event having around 800+ participants dancing together followed by a freezmob portraying different kindness positions and spreading one message together. Message of Kindness, to not only humans but also those who can’t raise voice for themselves, Animals!

“I am definitely sure about a ripple effect that will be created from this event and a large pool of people will be aware of this cause and will definitely support. Being a volunteer for the event was a very satisfying experience looking at the participants enthusiasm and onlookers never- ending curiosity towards the cause of the day. DFK is one of “THE BEST WAY” to create a ripple effect about any social Cause” said Navakanth, a Volunteer.

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