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Glimpses Of Joust 2017 Organised By Jaypee Institute Of Information Technology

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“You were accomplished, engineered for success, and endowed with seeds of greatness”

It‚Äôs as if these golden words by Zig Zigler were said exactly for The Joust. The success of Joust 2017 is a proof of this very fact. The prestige of Joust’17 was worth celebrating as the participants quoted their appreciation. The students who attended the event said it was a remarkable experience and they learnt alot from it. With the same zeal and enthusiasm, The Joust returns with its next edition, aspiring to provide the participants with an even greater experience.

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Before proceeding to the fourth edition, let’s take a moment to look back at the glory of the third edition, The Joust 2017. The third edition of the literary fest of JIIT, The Joust 2017 was a grand success with 7 awe-inspiring events.

In the Indian committees, Lok Sabha and UP Stakeholders’ Meet, the delegates showcased their skills of critical analysis, debate and expression of speech. This platform witnessed a participation of over 200 as they discussed the agenda. In the entire conference, the delegates painted the canvas of future India with their understanding of its foreign policies and the creativity to reclaim them.

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The White House Situation Roomwas a two-day event where delegates got an opportunity to be a part of the situation room, thereby, having a gateway to understand how the White House functions and how intelligence information is provided to key decision makers, including the President.

Glimpses Of Joust 2017 Organised By Jaypee Institute Of Information Technology

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Quotidian was the Journalism event,while Reseau was the Photography event, which had many ambitious participants. They were required to cover and capture various events of the literary fest.All young hearts had set their hands on their camera lens and pens to unleashtheir hidden potential.

The Verbal Crusade was a Conventional Debate competition while Cynosure, the Slam Poetry event, witnessed participants incarnate their words and meltthem down to passive realities. Judges were spellbound and mesmerized by the rhythmic verses during the event.

The Joust’17 was proud to host highly experienced and professional individuals as the Judges and the Executive Board membersof various committees and events. It was due to the presence of such able personalities that all the committees and events were a huge success.

The backbone of the event that made sure the fest sailed smoothly, was the Organizing Committee. The members were extremely gracious and hospitable. They made sure that all the comforts were taken care of and that the participants had a great literary experience.

The Joust’18, to be held on 22nd and 23rd September, will be bigger and better than its previous editions.

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For queries, contact-

Abdul Malik


Aruvansh Nigam


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